All Best WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers

In this list, I am going to tell all the best plugins for the book bloggers.

To have the best plugin for book blogging journey is essential. The biggest benefit of WordPress is these plugins, that make the life of blogger a heaven.

Do you know there are more than 29 Thousand plugins on the WordPress platform? 

And there are many plugins that a book blogger does not need. You should not install a plugin that you don’t need for book blogging, it will just take the storage.

NOTE: All the plugins mentioned in the list are the ones I’m using. They all are up-to-date and compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

Other Posts of Book Blogging:

Let’s begin the list.

Infographic: WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers

wordpress plugins for book bloggers infographic

WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers Infographic

List of WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers

UpdraftPlus (Free and Paid)

Updraft is simple and free backup plugin.

By giving this plugin less than half an hour, you are saving yourself from lots of trouble.

With the help of Updraft Plugin, you can automate your backup, you can schedule it.  😎

I am using it for last year, and it had given me no trouble.

The plugin makes the backup for my blog, all the files, image, content, setting, everything, and save it to my G-Drive account. Not only that, it also deletes the old backup, and send me a mail after everything is done.

So I just get the mail that Updraft has done its work.

And believe me, backing up your blog is necessary and important.

There are many reasons your site may get crash, or you lose the site. But with backup, you can restore everything in a few clicks.

And here, Updraft works for me like a charm.

Akismet Anti Spam (Free)

Akismet does what it says.

It keeps your blog spam-free. Without Akismet, you will get lots of comments on your blog posts.

Comments that you do not want. Crappy spammy comment.

Akismet read each comment, run it through its always updated database, and decides if it was a spam or not.

If it is spam, Akismet will take the matter into its hand and will delete it, only if you give permission of course.

I am using it from the starting of my blog. No issues.

All In One Schema Rich Snippets (Free)

Have you ever seen a book review in Google Search with star ratings?

wordpress plugins for book bloggers

All in One Schema Rich Snippets Example 1

That star rating happens because of this Plugin.

This plugin is for your book review.

It also tells Google that what ratings you are giving to the book.

What is the benefit of that? Well, let me show !!

WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers

All in One Schema Rich Snippets Example 2

The red circle shows my rating, in the snippet box. Is not it awesome?

The schema plugin does this. Just because of this function, I love this plugin.

Better Click To Tweet (Free)

Let me show what this plugin does instead of telling you.

Below is an example.

[bctt tweet=”List of Best WordPress Plugin for Blogger, nice post…” username=””]

Please do tweet, if you are liking this post.  😀

Broken Link Checker (Free)

Broken Link Checker as the name suggests, check your broken links.

It notifies you about the links that are not working now. So you can change them or repair them.

Simple and small WordPress plugin, that saves a lot of damage.

Now, if any of the links on this page broke, the plugin will send me the mail about it. I will come back and replace the link with an updated one.  😆 

Smush Image Compression and Optimization (Free and Paid)

Smush the Images.  😛


Smush optimize and resize the images.

You upload an image on the blog, but you upload an image of size 2 MB.

It is so hard to load 2 MB image, so Smush will compress the image. The resulted image will be of less than 1 MB.

It will make the site load fast, and you can save your storage.

Table of Content Plus (Free)

If you want to know, what this plugin does, scroll up.

You will see the Content box. Like an index.

It makes all your Heading 2 a point, Heading 3 a sub-point, Heading 4 a sub-sub-point. Respectively.

It helps when you have a habit of making points. Helpful WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers.

When doing a book review, or talking about anything, there are many points to conclude. It makes the Table of Content, so it becomes easy for a visitor to navigate and see the points of your post.

TinyMCE Advanced (Free)

This may be my favorite WordPress plugin of all.

TinyMCE provides lots of extra options when writing the post.

Without it, the default options are limited, but with this plugin, you can add a lot to the taskbar.

WordPress plugins for Book Blogging

You can add all those unused buttons to your task-bar. And emoticons  😉  😎 …

W3 Total Cache (Free and Paid)

You need at least one Caching plugin.

There are four major plugins. Read about them.

But I am using W3 Total Cache. It works well for me.

WordPress Plugins for Book Blogeers

Loading Speed of Bookaapi

This is my site loading speed. You can check yours free at Pingdom too.

A fast loading site is important. W3 is working great for my blog.

Setting up W3 Plugin takes less than 20 minutes.

PB SEO Friendly Images (Free)

If you are lazy and do not put the caption in images, you need this plugin.

I use it because I sometimes forget to put the caption and title of the image. And I do not want any blog image to exist with the name like 873h68.jpg.

PB SEO Friendly Images fill the blank images, it assigns the alternate text to images.

By doing that it helps search engines to show your images to show in image searches.

Other than that, it makes it easy for you to find a pic on your blog.

To say, a great WordPress Plugins for book bloggers.

Yoast SEO (Free and Paid)

Final, but the best WordPress plugin for book bloggers.

Not only book bloggers but for every blogger, this plugin is an important one.

Yoast SEO helps you to write your post in a way that could be read and indexed by Google.

Actually, Yoast SEO helps in making your blog post SEO optimized.

WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers

Yoast SEO Live Suggestions

Yoast analyses your post and suggests to you what to do to make your content for Search Engines.

If you want traffic from search engines, Yoast SEO helps you in moving towards it.

You can write SEO optimized book reviews, posts, character analysis, and your opinion.

SEO optimized post ranks higher in Google searches than other posts.

You should do it.

Contact Form 7 (Free)

You can make easy forms with the help of this form Plugin. 

It provides you with all the tools to create a form for your book blog.

A book blogger does need different forms like, Contact me, Submit Book Info for Book Review request, Beta Reading requests, etc…

Contact Form 7 is a final solution for all the troubles.

Other Plugins I am Using

I am using more plugins than this, and you can use them too.

But the above mentioned are the ones that are necessary WordPress plugins for book bloggers.

Ads Inserter

I use it to Insert Ads on my blog. It makes putting ads easy.


Autoptimize optimize the CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. The target of the plugin is to make the loading od blog super fast.

Comment Reply Notification

Whenever a person comments on any of my posts, and I reply, it sends the email to the person.

So, the person can visit the site, and read the reply.

WordPress plugins for Book Bloggers

There are lots of other plugins that do lots of other things.

But for a newbie blogger or a book blogger, they are the only one that matters.

These plugins, as I said, I am currently using. I am using the free version of all. They all work great for me.

That’s why I am suggesting them.

In any problem, contact me. I am more than happy to help you.

Also tell me how many plugins are you using, and is there any Important WordPress plugin is missing from my WordPress Plugins for Book Bloggers List.

Other Posts of the Series:

If you like this post, please let me know in the comments.

Thanks.  🙂  🙂

Faizan Fahim

Hello, welcome to this blog. Just writing reviews of the book I like. Also, favorite quotes, poetry, memes, sometimes other topics too, but always related to literature. So join me on Twitter to talk to me.

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11 Responses

  1. Do you have to be self-hosted to add plugins to WordPress? I have a paid account but haven’t been able to add any yet. Great list, though!

    • Faizan says:

      Yes. You can only Install Plugins on self-hosted WordPress or on the Paid account of
      You have a paid account, but you may not have a Business Account. only allow Business Accounts to install Plugins.

  2. Dani Eide says:

    Wow! Thanks for the great list of plugins. I have started self-hosting but uncertain as to which plugins are a must. Just what I needed! ♥️

  3. Ali raza says:

    Hi thank you so much for sharing such a great information, im looking forward to join your community for more posts like this. Stay blessed and keep up the good work.

  4. vipin says:

    hi Admin;
    the way your blog looks is killer.
    I had not expected such a detailed article on Book blogging, but again it was awesome and incredible.
    By your blog I say repeatedly that content is the real king.

  5. Its a nice post and really most of the plugins are really helpful. But have you noticed that your site is showing of not using SSL?

    Can i suggest you use Let’s Encrypt™ SSL on your server and SimpleSSL for your wp site?

    • Faizan says:

      Yeah… Thank you for the suggestion… But my blog breaks and the image does not load when I install SSL.
      Moreover, there are lots of things that need my attention on this blog…

  6. Vic says:

    A great list, not just for book bloggers! I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on organising/managing your reviews.

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