Top 10 Killer Notes on an Execution Quotes by Danya Kukafka

A man is scheduled to die in twelve hours. Execution. And he deserve it. Through the women in his life, the reader is given a glimpse into the mind of someone facing their own mortality. The character reveals her fears, regrets, and thoughts on her life and death, providing a rare and intimate look at the human experience.

Kukafka’s writing is both beautiful and heartbreaking, and “Notes on an Execution” is a powerful exploration of the human condition. Let’s see several Notes on an Execution Quotes by Danya Kukafka.

Best Notes on an Execution Quotes

Notes on an Execution quotes by Danya Kukafka

You don’t need to have it all. You only need to figure out how much is enough.


Notes on an Execution quotes

No one is all bad. No one is all good. We live as equals in the murky gray between.


Danya Kukafka quotes

Pity is destruction wearing a mask of sympathy.


best Notes on an Execution quotes

But Saffy knew about catastrophe. It was arbitrary. A thing descended from nowhere, pointed a bony finger, and smirked. As if to say: I choose you.


Felix Culpa, her mother had written. The happy fault. The horrible thing that leads to the good.

Danya Kukafka Quotes

best Danya Kukafka quotes

In most of your memories, your mother is gone. And before she is gone, always, she is leaving.

quotes from Notes on an Execution book

Every second is a year. Every second is your failure, every second is your lifeline. Every second goes to waste.


best lines from Notes on an Execution book

Human nature could be so hideous, but it persisted in this ugliness by insisting it was good.


I wonder about choices. How we resent them, and how we regret them—even as we watch them grow.


best quotes from Danya Kukafka

Lavender wanted to tell them what she had learned about demons. Often, they were not demons at all—only the jagged parts ofherself she’d hidden from the sun.


Notes on an Execution quotes by Danya Kukafka

He’s trying to figure out who he is and how to exist. He’s trying to justify himself. Aren’t we all doing some version of that?


best Danya Kukafka quotes

Tragedy was undiscerning and totally unfair.

Best Notes on an Execution Quotes

Antagonist backgrounds are typically more interesting than HERO. May be it is because we do not see them that mainstream. There is this construct attached that if you try to learn about the villain, you are called villain sympathizer.

But what is the person, if for a second we remove the criminal identity from the criminal. What the person is? Many books explores it.

And Notes on an Execution is an amazing example. Let me know what you liked about the book.

Faizan Fahim

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